Saturday 22 October 2016

World is fighting Drug problems & Pakistan is fighting better than anyone.

World is fighting Drug problems & Pakistan is fighting better than anyone.

310 tons of narcotics worth 3.2 billion US $ burnt at Kuchh More, Quetta.

Photo courtesy Facebook pages

This is not the first time, many many times when ever Drugs, Alcoholic & other drinks, etc are caught.

They are burnt and tough Punishments they face.

Force Commander ANF Brigadier Bilal Javed while addressing the occasion apprised that in year 2016, ANF Balochistan registered 73 drug cases, apprehended 41 persons and seized 252 Ton of Narcotics. The drug burning also included the 58 Tons of drugs seized by FC Balochistan in year 2016. Total value of the burnt drugs is approximately 3.2 Billion US $ in International Market.

Anti-Narcotics Force Balochistan, organized Drug Burning Ceremony 2016 at Kuchh More, Quetta.

Chief Minister Balochistan Nawab Sanaullah Khan Zahri graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Force Commander ANF Brigadier Bilal Javed welcomed the Chief Guest and other distinguished guests, which included IG FC (Balochistan) Major General Sher Afghan, Health Minister (Baluchistan) Mr Rehmat Saleh, Station Commander (Quetta) Brigadier Rafique and Commissioner (Quetta) Mr. Amjad Ali. Other guests included Officials of LEAs, Civil Society, Students, National Heroes, Educational Institutions and Media Persons.


While giving out ANF performance, he told that ANF Balochistan actions are not just restricted to the seizures only; rather ANF Balochistan vigorously home on bringing the outlaws to justice. Successful prosecutions rate of ANF Balochistan in 2016 stands at 90%.

The ceremony ended with burning of 310 Ton narcotics. The burnt drugs comprised 11.79 Ton Heroin, 147.18 Ton Hashish, 46.57 Ton Opium, 4.97 Ton Morphine, 14.29 Ton Bhang, 3.64 Ton Amphetamine, 1.97 Ton Poppy Buds, 296 Kgs Crystal, 16 Ton Precursor Chemicals and 600 Liters Liquor.

Source: Dawn

It was also told that ANF Balochistan is also engaged in Drug Demand Reduction activities, to create awareness amongst General Public about hazards of Drugs and Addiction. This year Drug Demand Activities of ANF (Baluchistan) included lectures at Educational Institutions, Free Medical Camps, Sports Events, Workshops, Poster Competitions, Musical Shows, Walks and Distribution of Awareness Leaflets etc.

It is pertinent to mention that in context to C-PEC, ANF is undertaking special measures for capacity building at Coastal Areas, particularly Gwadar. In this respect up-graded deployment at Gwadar has already taken place. It will further be augmented in aspects of intelligence ability, technical capability, mobility and cargo-filtration capacity.

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