Tuesday 11 October 2016

First Aid: Its importance & Details.

First Aid: Its importance & Details.

Source: VIVO Healthcare

The Importance of First Aid.

Unpleasant though it may be, the fact remains that  First Aid for Life Kitaccidents happen. Even experiencing it as a bystander, an accident is not a pleasant scene.
Human bodies are susceptible to injuries, illnesses and trauma. We never know when any injury may happen to us or the people we love or those who are around us. Thus it is always good to have some amount of basic knowledge to take care of critical situations, to keep it from going from bad to worse or till the medical help arrives.
Administering first aid to victims in the event of accidents, mishaps and occurrences during office and school hours or in the case of some accident is encouraged. One must know the basics of administering first aid and this knowledge is gained by getting trained.

Source: Red Rover Camping

Types of First Aid.

1. First Aid And Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation.
2. Trainings For Sports Safety.
3. First Aid Emergency.
4. Trainings For Babysitters.
5. Children First Aid.
6. Pet First Aid.

Source: Canadian Red Cross

Basic First Aid.

1: Check the surroundings, Look for professional help.
2: Call help like Ambulance or Police.
4: Stop the bleeding first.
3: stay calm and try to be reassuring; let the person know that help is on its way and that everything will be alright.
4: Check for breathing and a pulse.
5: If the person remains unresponsive, prep for CPR.

  • ·         Keep the head and neck aligned.
  • ·         Carefully roll them onto their back while holding their head.
  • ·         Open the airway by lifting the chin.

6: Perform 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths as part of CPR.
7: Taking to the hospital should be the first priority after first aid.

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